eBook: Warming up before training

eBOOK: Warm-up before training
Why is a warm-up crucial?
A warm-up prepares your muscles, joints and cardiovascular system for more intense activity by increasing blood flow and body temperature. It minimizes the risk of injury and allows for better exercise control.
Below you'll find a sample warm-up that you'll perform without using resistance bands.

Time for dynamic stretching and rolling
Start by rolling the muscles.
eBook - Massagers - how to properly perform a massage to relax muscles
Focus on your legs, back and shoulders.
Rolling for 2-3 minutes per muscle part will help loosen tense muscles and improve flexibility.
- Marching in place with high knee lift
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 60 seconds
How to perform: Standing up straight, start marching in place, lifting your knees as high as possible. Try to bring your knee to hip height with each step, engaging your abdominal and hip muscles.
- Arm circles
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions forward, 15 backward.
How to perform: Standing apart, straighten your arms out to the sides. Perform slow, wide arm circles forward and then backward. The movements should be smooth and controlled, with an emphasis on relaxing the shoulders.
- Torso twists
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions per side.
How to perform: Stand straight, keep your arms at chest level. Perform alternating trunk twists, trying to engage your abdominal and back muscles. The movement should be dynamic, but controlled.
- Pajamas
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 30 repetitions.
How to perform: Jump while spreading your legs and arms out to the sides, then return to the starting position. Cramming is a dynamic warm-up exercise that raises the heart rate and activates the whole body.
- Leg sweeps (forward and backward)
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions for each leg.
How to perform: Holding a stable point (e.g., a wall), perform forward and backward leg swings with one leg, trying to maintain a straight posture. Repeat for the other leg. The swings help relax the hips and prepare the leg muscles for work.
- Hip circles
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions each way.
How to perform: Stand with a slight stride, place your hands on your hips. Perform slow hip circles, engaging your lower back and hip muscles.
- Heel raise (calf warm-up)
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 20 repetitions.
How to perform: Stand straight, raise yourself up on your toes, and then lower your heels to the ground. Repeat the movement at a relaxed pace to activate your calf muscles.
- Stepping on the spot
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 10 repetitions for each leg.
How to perform: Standing up straight, perform alternating forward lunges. The knee of the back leg should almost touch the ground, and the front leg should be at a right angle. The movement should be smooth and the knees should be stable.
- Forward and backward arm swings
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 20 swings.
How to perform: Standing straight, perform shoulder swings alternately forward and backward. The movements should be dynamic to warm up the shoulders and arms.
- Foot circles
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions for each leg.
How to perform: Sit or stand up straight while performing inward and outward foot circles. This exercise will improve ankle joint mobility.
- Lateral bends
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions per side.
How to perform: Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Perform side bends by moving one arm along the side of your body and raising the other arm above your head. The movements should be smooth, without excessive dragging.
- Squats without a load
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 15 repetitions.
How to perform: Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Perform classic squats, keeping your spine in a neutral position, looking ahead go as low as you can.
- Foot bends (dynamic stretching)
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 20 repetitions.
How to perform: Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Perform alternating bends, touching the opposite foot with your hand. This exercise stretches the back and back of the legs.
- Rolling on a roller (optional)
Series: 1 series
Repetitions/Times: 60 seconds for each major muscle part (thighs, buttocks, back).
How to perform: Using a massage roller, roll your muscles, concentrating on the areas you feel tight. Rolling increases blood flow and improves muscle flexibility.
In summary, warming up before a workout, is a key part of any training plan. It prepares muscles and joints for more intense work, improving flexibility and circulation. Regularly performing exercises such as leg swings, bends, arm circles and squats significantly reduces the risk of injury and increases the effectiveness of your workout.
Ensure that your entire body is properly warmed up, and your training with resistance bands will be more effective and safe.

Are you ready for more inspiration and tools to take your training to the next level?
The EVI SPORT brand offers a wide range of ebooks and products to help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively.
- Warming up before your workout
- Training with resistance bands for women (fabric and latex versions)
- Workout with POWER BADNS resistance bands for beginners and more advanced exercisers
- Training with resistance bands EXSPANDERS for everyone, from beginners to advanced (from 4kg to 100kg load)
- Training on a gym ball
- Massagers - how to properly perform a massage to relax muscles
- Stretching after training
And don't forget our assortment of sports equipment to help you get even more out of each workout. Choose from:
- Resistance bands
- Pull-up bar
- Push-up board
- Exercise squeezer
- Gym balls
- Trekking poles
- Massage balls and rollers
Take the first step toward your goals today!
Invest in your form and discover your full potential with EVI SPORT.
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